Airify in the World

Across industries, Airify is helping business owners and organizations by optimizing their indoor air (IAQ- indoor air quality), creating a safer environment while increasing energy savings. With greater health concerns around air quality, and 40% of buildings’ energy costs going into HVAC systems, the time to monitor your air and your system is now.

The quality of air in a retail space affects employees, customers, and assets —from the products sold to the space they’re sold in. With our IAQ monitoring and consulting, Airify can help retail owners substantially improve their maintenance and energy costs, sales, and overall experience for greater ROI.

Retail: Clean Air Always in Store

Optimizing levels of particulate matter, CO2, and VOCs for employees and customers will increase cognitive function, decrease fatigue, and minimize the spread of airborne disease.

Health & Safety

Monitoring your HVAC equipment lets you avoid unnecessary service costs while proactively detecting issues that would lead to long-term wear and tear.

Maintenance Savings

HVAC equipment is responsible for 40% of energy use in buildings. You can reduce energy use by up to 15% and subsidize the cost of Airify itself by optimizing your system with IAQ data.

Energy Savings

Typically as a tenant, you have a limited understanding of the IAQ conditions that affect your space and the people inside. By integrating Airify’s IAQ Monitoring and Consulting Services, we’ll identify issues that can cause damage and health hazards over time, such as mold and mildew. With the backing of irrefutable data and expertise, you can take necessary action before long-term degradation can occur to your space and equipment. Contact us to learn how Airify Consulting Services has helped retailers improve their businesses with IAQ.

Leasing Your Space?

There are currently no federal regulations for inspecting IAQ in schools. According to the EPA, half of all schools in the US (55 million students and staff) had poor indoor air quality before COVID-19.

With Airify, you can take the health of your students and teachers into your own hands.

Schools: Safer, Healthier Air for Students and Teachers

 Rising CO2 in indoor air lowers student learning and test scores by an estimated two letter grades. Airify’s accurate, reliable CO2 readings help facility managers ensure levels are optimal for learning.

Lower CO2, Raise Grades

It’s estimated that poor air quality and indoor pollutants cause students to miss 14 million school days per year. High levels of CO2, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter cause asthma and other respiratory issues resulting in increased student and teacher absence rates and a loss of state-federal funding.

Decrease Student and Teacher Absence Rates

Airify’s IAQ reporting and data trends allow you to make informed decisions and change operational protocols such as increasing ventilation and maintaining an optimal humidity level.

Minimize the Spread of Viruses

Airify gets an “A” for ESSER-Approved Funding

Commercial: Air That Works for You

Your business can only run as effectively as its HVAC system. From maintenance costs to energy savings and even health concerns, the operational efficiency of your HVAC system can have huge effects on your ROI, especially in large commercial spaces.

From decreasing the spread of illness to optimizing the air quality for better thinking and working, air quality can meaningfully improve the health of your employees and your business.

Breathe Smarter. Be smarter.

Ventilation, CO2 levels, and particulate matter can have a significant affect on how well we think.

Improve Cognition

Ventilation, CO2 levels, and particulate matter have a significant effect on cognition. Improving air quality can increase focus, motivation, and energy levels.

Increase Performance

Most corporate buildings lack sufficient ventilation, leading to a concentration of harmful indoor pollutants that cause illness.

Decrease Sick days

Monitoring your HVAC equipment lets you avoid unnecessary service costs while proactively detecting issues that would lead to long-term wear and tear.

Maintenance Savings

HVAC equipment is responsible for 40% of energy use in buildings. You can reduce energy use by up to 15% and subsidize the cost of Airify itself by optimizing your system with IAQ data.

Energy Savings

Monitoring the right factors of air quality can help keep your customers and employees safe and healthy, and even help maintain the quality of your building, as well as the food you serve.

Factors such as the presence of food, cooking methods, and high volumes of people moving in and out make for unique air conditions and challenges.

Hospitality: Safe Air is Welcome Air

Let Airify Be Your Host

Outdoor signage with a QR code shows people that your air is certified clean and safe.

Diners will be able to see real-time readings from the Airfy sensors right on their smartphone.

For the App

Healthcare: Better Air. Greater Care.

Indoor Air Quality management is vital to reducing healthcare risks. Airify helps you minimize the spread of infection and viruses like COVID-19, and stay ahead of changing conditions in your space.

  • Easy-to-understand dashboard for the facility manager 

  • Detect problematic changes in your environment before they compromise air quality and health

Reliable 24/7 Data

  • Set the acceptable range for the air quality metrics

  • Meet The Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) guidelines for operating rooms, isolation rooms, etc.


  • Monitoring 6 critical factors allows you to minimize the spread of virus particles through a combination of strategies such as increasing ventilation and maintaining an optimal humidity levels

  • Synchronize multiple airify units throughout larger facilities for full coverage and pinpointed readings


Cleaner Air, Better Busines

Minimize the Spread of Airborne Diseases

Discover weak points for contaminant spreading in building such as ventilation, filtration and humidity levels

Airify’s software offers multi-tenant architecture, allowing for simple oversight of facilities

Simplify Oversight

Sustainability & Energy Saving

Extend the life of HVAC equipment by catching issues early, reducing repair costs and saving on energy bills

Earn LEED Certification credits by monitoring air quality with Airify

LEED Certification

The Airify dashboard provides an accurate and easy-to-understand view for facility managers to ensure air conditions meet your standard of care

Reliable 24/7 Data

Prevent potential future liability concerns by keeping everyone in an optimal Indoor Air Quality environment

Frontrun Liability Concerns